New years resolutions got you down? Here’s a tip:

Now here’s a key part of this plan, when you forget to put your keys in their new spot you are not allowed to get mad at yourself, not even a little.

I guarantee you, you are far more motivated by positive reinforcement than beating yourself up. Be kind to yourself.

Celebrate the small wins and soon you will be celebrating the big wins. (Pro tip: Big wins are a series of small wins all combined;-)

You can do this!


Start Small

Find something that will really changes your everyday life and focus on that. You would be surprised how a tiny change can have big implications.

Here are some examples that will hopefully spark and idea or two for you.

Let’s say you want to keep the house clean and tidy, great! Let’s see how we can actually create some actions you can take, that are doable and sustainable to reach your goals.

Resolution = Tidy house: Let’s not jump straight to “the entire house has to be kept tidy all the time.” That’s too big!   It is much easier and less pressure to attain the smaller goal. 

So, if “Tidy House” is the goal let’s start with the thing that will have the biggest impact on your daily life. Something small but impactful. For instance, if you are constantly looking for your keys to the point of being late, which escalates frustration and then driving like a mad-person to get where you want to go, that could be a good place to start.

Creating a place for your keys is the goal. That one small action will relieve you of major frustration, help you be on time and you will drive more safely. That is a pretty big bang for your buck.

Now the fun part!  Find the coolest key hanging gadget or the most fantastic bowl and place it in the area you enter the house. When you arrive home have notes all over the place reminding you to hang up your keys or put them in the bowl.

As best you can be consistent about putting the keys in their new spot. When you remember give yourself a high five (seriously, like, physically do that) or points toward a reward.

Now here’s a key part of this plan, when you forget to put your keys in their new spot you are not allowed to get mad at yourself, not even a little.

What is allowed is? “Dang it! I forgot to put my keys in their new spot. I will do it next time.” Then as calmly as you can, breathe deep while you are looking, find your keys and continue with your day. Celebrate when you do it right. I guarantee you, you are far more motivated by positive reinforcement than beating yourself up. Be kind to yourself.

Now that your keys have a new home, and it is a regular muscle memory habit, maybe after a month or so, you can think about the next thing that really impacts your life on a daily basis. Make it as simple as possible to take a step toward the goal. 



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