Online Courses: support for life with ADHD

I’m glad you are here.  We are currently offering our founders cohort for Tools for Parenting ADHD and Adulting with ADHD.

Both courses follow the LINK 4 phase approach of Learn – Investigate – Navigate – Knit it all together. We gain understanding of what ADHD is and isn’t. Then take a look at what “flavor” your or your child’s ADHD is. After we understand your flavor we discuss where you want to go and your options for getting there. With all that information we can kit it all together and create a personalize plan to move you toward your goals.

The objective of both courses is to give you tangible tools to use in your daily life that suit your particular situation. This is not a one-size-fits-all plan this is your plan, specific to your needs and goals.



Parenting & ADHD

Sign up here



Adulting & ADHD

Sign up here


What Flavor is your ADHD?

Take survey here


  • Because ADHD often coexists with other conditions such as learning differences it can be difficult to determine what the root cause of a particular behavior is
  • Does your child avoid homework because they are bored or do they have a learning difference like dyslexia?
  • The behavior appears the same, avoiding homework, but the reason for the behavior is quite different and needs different tools or support in order to help your child excel.
  • It’s important to know that your child is not broken. What is needed is a good understanding of ADHD and some tools that support you and allow your child’s strengths to really shine.
  • There will be weekly 1 1/2 hour group coaching calls, to discuss specifics of your situation along with the workbook and community area for posting questions and discussions.

  • We will discuss different strategies and why they work. We discuss the brain science of ADHD and how that, in and of itself, can create challenges throughout your life.
  • We also discuss the kind of baggage that you have likely been saddled with by societal expectations in general. All the messages telling you to just try harder, you aren’t living up to your potential and if you really wanted to you could!
  • Those messages are like the first domino tumbling down and when you zoom out you can see the patterns that have formed over the years.
  • It’s important to know that you are not broken. What you need is a better understanding of ADHD and some ideas that will inform your perspective so that your strengths can really shine.
  • There will be weekly 1 1/2 hour group coaching calls, to discuss specifics of your situation along with the workbook and community area for posting questions and discussions.

  • Survey designed to understand what your ADHD looks like.
  • ADHD comes with its challenges, and yes there are common ones. But no matter how common the challenge how it impacts you is unique. Your distractedness impacts your life differently than it impacts someone else’s life.
  • Your distractibility may be compounded because you are also extremely impulsive where as it impacts someone else differently because they suffer terribly from time blindness.
  • The way your challenges present themselves and to what degree is like ingredients in a recipe. I can use the same ingredients in different amounts and come up with a completely different flavor.