You are here!

You are here! I love those maps, don’t you? There is no judgement, question, or explaining how you got there; just the simple fact of your location. You are where you are regardless of what came before or what comes next. Do you know where you are? Are you where you want to be? If…

7 Why’s

Here’s an example of the 7 Whys in action: You have a goal of “I want to lose weight.” I want to lose weight 1. Why? I want to be more healthy 2. Why? I want to be able to play with my kids 3. Why? I want my kids to know me 4. Why?…



  “How can you tell the difference? Scared + excited are energized feelings that feel light and free. Dread, on the other hand, is an energy-sucking feeling, it feels heavy, like you are trying to run in deep mud.” Happy March! Happy March! I love the beginning of spring when the tiny sprouts pop up…

Wrangle your anxiety

Step by step guide to reduce stress The following is a step by step guide to help you reduce your stress and hopefully change your perspective on some of the current stressors in your life. You have lots of choices but it may not feel that way. Try this out and see how it goes….